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The primary function of the RMAC is to contribute towards encouraging, guiding and monitoring the research activities of the college. The main objective is to enhance research activities including undertaking PhDs, UGC research projects, Projects funded by other Research or Government Institutions, Publications, Paper Presentations, etc. It is the prime body of the College to promote, streamline and give overall directions to research in the College. The RMAC is constituted by the Principal with the senior most research guides and active researchers among the faculty of the College. The RMAC is established to improve the quality of research and establish a good climate for the research for both students and faculties in the college. The objectives of RMAC are:
  • To Promotes the number and quality of research publications in peer-reviewed high-quality journals.
  • To disseminate information regarding research programmes like Ph.D., Research Projects, etc.
  • To provide guidance on writing articles, working papers etc. in research journals.
  • To improve the impact factor & citation index (to begin with) that of the doctorates.
  • To review and approve field studies/ research projects/ research publications/ dissertations submitted by the degree students and faculty members.
  • To offer guidance for research projects/ research publications to students and faculty members.
  • To advise/ forward research projects/ dissertations that may require approval.
  • Create a conducive environment in the campus to promote collaborative research among faculty and students from various departments.
  • Develop educational collaborations with Industry, other colleges, Universities and institutions of higher learning.

Prof. KP Abdu Rasheed Principal & Director
Dr. M. Basheer H.O.D Arabic